THE JILLS OF ALL TRADES™ member, Dawn Mahoney, Education and Training
Dawn Mahoney knows that understanding how people learn can change everything about how you build slides, give workshops or train your staff. From consults on training strategy to workshop facilitation and team dynamics, this solo-preneur brings learning theory and design together to ensure your best presentations, workshops, and team sessions. And she knows, the first critical part of all learning starts with building relationships.
After working as a corporate trainer for a large portion of her career, Dawn made the savvy switch to a freelance work-style and now offers a variety of services to help individuals and organizations with everything from building perfect slide decks to providing full workshops and training curriculum through her company Learning in the White Space, LLC.
Dawn is a member of THE JILLS OF ALL TRADES™ community and here she shares her favorite 'tools of the trades':
"I am kind of a tools geek. I gravitate to new gadgets and apps... But, after I fill my cup of tea each morning, my "go to" is usually Microsoft PowerPoint, most of the time. I do everything there. I like to write on blank white slides and use the slide sorter function to make things work. In a similar way, Post-It notes and Mr. Sketch markers are never far away, as well. (Love new markers!!)"